Here are some guidelines and suggestions for hosting a food drive to contribute to our Food Pantry:

  1. Create a plan for your food drive
    Setting a goal and time frame helps add energy and a sense of urgency to your drive. Make it fun and consider competition between your groups, departments, or classes to collect the most pounds or number of boxes/cans as well as money collected. Once you have your plan please reach out to so that we are aware of your food drive, can help you promote it and arrange for drop off.
  2. Arrange your food drive supplies
    We can help with logos and flyers should you choose to use them for marketing your food drive. We do ask that you place our logo on all your announcements.
  3. Promote your food drive
    Distribute flyers, send emails, post to your website and announce on social media that you are hosting a food drive for Kids Against Hunger United. Don’t forget to take pictures during your food drive and tag us at KAHUnited you can also send us pictures and we will share them on our social media with a shoutout to your group.
  4. Get everyone involved
    From management to staff, customers to vendors, get everyone on board with the collection that you are doing for Kids Against Hunger United. Consider a match program where you or your company will match what is collected in pounds with a cash donation or equivalent pounds. Incorporate a volunteer day with your food drive.
  5. Delivering your food drive
    Please reach out to us to arrange a day and time for you to deliver your food. We are flexible with drop off times. However, 24 hours notice would be appreciated so that we can make sure someone is available to assist you and help unload if needed.

Download the items from our Food Drive Toolkit below and start your food drive today!