The Bulk Meals that we pack our packing events are scientifically and nutritionally designed to effectively help fight hunger and food insecurity.

The most effective tool we use to combat hunger and starvation are the Kids Against Hunger Meals. These are individual packets we assemble at our food packing events that require only boiling water or a microwave to create a complete and well balanced meal. They have been formulated by food scientists to provide a rich source of easily digestible protein, carbohydrates, and vitamins needed by malnourished children and adults.

They offer all nine of the essential amino acids required for complete nutrition – something that can’t be said about other typical food relief sources such as rice or beans alone. The food formulation is made from four readily available dry ingredients that are easy to package and keep for long periods.

Help us combat hunger by donating to our cause. Each meal pack costs approximately $1.80, but that price does not include the cost of shipping items to our warehouse.

CLICK HERE to donate money to help us procure the bulk ingredients we use to prepare these nutrient rich bulk meals.

At our packing events, volunteers pack all the bulk ingredients to create individual nutritional meals ready to ship and ready to eat with boiling water or a microwave.