Sometimes, Hunger and Food Insecurity Live Just Around the Corner and Affect Our Closest Neighbors.

More than 38 million people face hunger in the United States, including 12 million children. And children who are food insecure are prone to serious repercussions on their physical and mental health. They also are more likely to suffer from chronic diseases and behavioral problems.

Anyone who has pushed a shopping cart down the grocery aisle lately sees the rising prices of food these days. You’d be surprised how many families face the challenges of putting healthy meals on the table. Imagine the terrible feeling of struggling to keep your family fed with consistent and nutritious food.

Most people are surprised to find out just how extensive and pervasive food insecurity and hunger are in the United States. When Kids Against Hunger United opened its doors, our goal was to fight hunger around the world, but it became increasingly apparent that hunger existed in our own neighborhoods.

We pack our KAH United meals to fight hunger—wherever it exists, and these healthy and nutritious meal packets make an impact in people’s lives. But to help our local neighbors who face food insecurity, we work hard to keep the Kids Against Hunger United Food Pantry stocked, with volunteers ready to help those in need.

If you are concerned about hunger, in particular when it hits locally and affects our neighbors, you can have a dramatic impact by helping us keep the pantry stocked. You can either donate food, donate money, or help organize a food drive to make sure this vital community resource is fully stocked and ready to help our neighbors.

Kids Against Hunger thanks all the volunteers and donors who help keep the Food Pantry going as a vital resource to families in need.